Tournaments 2012-13


Below is the list of Tournaments this year that ISD will be participating in. Take a look and make them down in your diaries folks!

1-2-3 HAWKS!

ISD and AISD Sports Calendar 2012-2013

September 2012
7th - ISD Secondary Swim Meet (Morning)
22nd - AISD Invitational MS/HS Swim Meet
27th – 29th AISD HS Volleyball Tournament (Boys & Girls)

October 2012
5th – ISD HS Girls Basketball Tournament
13th – AISD MS Volleyball Tournament (Boys & Girls)
4th, 11th, 18th, 1st, 8th (Nov) – ISD HS Boys Football League

November 2012
15th – 17th – AISD HS Girls Basketball Tournament
15th – 17th – AISD HS Boys Football Tournament
29th – ISD Primary Swim Gala (ISD Students only)

December 2012

30th (Nov) - 1st – ISD MS Boys Cricket Tournament
8th - AISD MS Girls Basketball Tournament
8th - AISD MS Boys Football Tournament

13th - ISD Secondary Athletics Day (ISD Students Only)

January 2013
10th – 7th  February ISD MS Boys Football League
25th – ISD Ultimate Frisbee Tournament

February 2013
7th - ISD The Fun Run!
9th – AISD Invitational MS/HS track & field
14th – 16th – AISD HS Girls Football Tournament
14th – 16th AISD HS Boys Basketball Tournament  
18th – ISD Primary Athletics Day

March 2013
28th (Feb) – 2nd – ISD HS Cricket Tournament
1st – 2nd ISD Badminton Tournament
7th – 9th – ISD HS Boys Basketball Tournament
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 4th (April) ISD HS Girls Football League
30th – AISD MS Badminton Tournament (Boys & Girls)

April 2013
19th – 20th – AISD Invitational Boys Cricket
25th, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd (May) – ISD Mixed Primary Football League

May 2013
24th – ISD Primary Swim Meet

June 2013
1st – AISD MS Girls Football Tournament
1st – AISD MS Boys Basketball Tournament
12th – ISD Aquathlon (ISD Students Only)

1 comment:

  1. Go Hawks! we need to you all come along and cheer. Don't forget that if the event is at AISD we need your name sin advance to get you security clearance.
