Results 2011-2012

AISD HS Boys Basketball & Girls Football Tournaments

March 8-10 was a momentous weekend for ISD. Firstly, the high school girls’ football team had a tough group with AISD and pre-tournament favourites Grace to go up against. Two losses and a draw saw the girls finish fourth and a tough playoff match with AISD waited. The girls battled hard but it wasn’t long before the barriers were broken down and goals conceded. A consolation semi-final put us against Greenherald on Saturday morning. ISD won 3-0 and advanced to the 5th place playoff against Red Brick School. A fantastic match came down to penalties and even went to sudden death were RBS managed to hold their nerve a little better and snuck it 2-1 on penalties. A 6th place finish overall was a really good achievement and the girls worked so hard throughout these 3 days and could not have given anymore, WELL DONE.

The boys’ basketball.......OMG!!!! These guys have worked so hard since September building up to this weekend they were psyched.. The boys started strongly with commanding victories over WCA and SJWS saw them on top and looking strong. Against Greenherald however the wheels fell off the ISD steam train and some mistakes from ISD saw Greenherald take the match and finish top of the group. A Semi-final game against CGS stood between them and the final and it was not easy. ISD really had to keep a tight defence and stay focused throughout this game which they did and victory was theirs and the final was booked. With Greenherald beating AISD in the other semi-final it meant that it would be a return fixture from the group game. Well what a final it was! The quality of basketball was very good and both teams were ready to play their hearts out. The match went both ways throughout with neither side being able to stretch a lead. First ISD were up and then Greenherald pushed a lead themselves before ISD hit back to gain the lead once more. ISD were 4 points ahead with 1 minute to go and before a foul gave them a chance to put the game to bed. That they did and the buzzer went sparking emotional scenes from the ISD team and fans!!!!!!

Finally, a big thank you to all people who gave up their time over the weekend, there was a fantastic mix of both students and teachers and really made me proud to be a part of ISD.

ISD HS Boys Cricket Tournament

The HS boys’ cricket team were playing in their first tournament of the year against CGS, Sunbeams and Sunnydale in a round-robin format. In our first game against CGS we batted well and posted a score of 135 from our 15 overs. With our bowling attack ready we began to pressure CGS into making vital errors. The match came down to the last over with CGS needing just 4 which they got and victory was theirs. ISD then played Sunnydale which saw ISD batting again. Some strong bowling saw ISD struggle to score a posted 115 from their 15 overs. Our bowlers tried to outsmart the Sunnydale batsmen but it wasn’t enough they knocked off the runs in convincing fashion. The last match was against top of the league Sunbeams who needed to score 95 runs to win the tournament regardless if they won or lost. ISD were struggling to keep up and after 6 overs were only on 45, enter Subo Saha and Shakil Rahman. These two decided to unleash the fury and scored 68 between them with Saha scoring 41 and Rahman eventually finished on 32 and gave ISD a fighting chance with 145 after 15 overs. As was the common theme of the weekend the ISD bowling line-up wasn’t strong enough to hold off the sunbeams attack and they knocked them off losing just one wicket giving them the title. Thanks to Mr Nazim for giving up his time with the boys and they will no doubt prepare for the AISD tournament in April.

MS Boys Football and Cricket

Before the winter vacation Our Middle School Football and Cricket boys had a successful season! Our Middle school boys participated in the DISA AIS/D Football tournament. This year the tournament was 11-a-side for the first time instead of the 7-a-side format. They showed some great skills, finding  open space, team co-operation, attacking and defending skills. The boys finished second in their group and played in the semi-final with high hopes of reaching the final. Unfortunately they came up against a very strong opponent and lost the match 1-0 so finished 4th overall which is still an excellent result.

Our Middle school boys participated in the ISD Middle school cricket tournament. Including ISD, Scholastica, AIS/D and SJWS also participated in this tournament. The schools competed in a round-robin format. Each team played every other once resulting in six round-robin matches in total. On the basis of the standings at the end of round-robin, top two teams (the teams with the highest number of points) will be declared Champion and Runner-up. ISD performed very well in all departments and even had a man of the match award which went to Shubham Sharma with his 35 runs and 2 wickets in 1 match. Overall ISD finished a respectable 3rd and will look forward to playing again next year to hopefully go one if not two more!
Tournament Results:
= SJWS – 173/9 V/S ISD - 152. SJWS won by 23 runs.
Man of the match Nahian(SJWS) – 88 runs and 2 wickets.
= AIS/D - 60  V/S Scholastica – 63/1. Scholastica won by 9 wickets.
Man of the match Sudeep(Scholastica) – 4 wickets.
= Scholastica -211 V/S SJWS -54. Scholastica won by 155 runs.
Man of the match Ifte(Scholastica) – 88 runs.
= ISD -161/5 V/S AIS/D – 77/6. ISD won by 84 runs.
Man of the match Shubham(ISD) – 35 runs and 2 wickets.
= AIS/D – 58 V/S SJWS -58/1. SJWS won by 9 wickets.
Man of the match Fahim(SJWS) – 5 wickets.
= Scholastica -162 V/S ISD -103. Scholastica won by 56 runs.
Man of the match Shejad(Scholastica) -50 runs and 1 wicket.
Tournaments Points Table


Mohammed Nazim
PE Teacher and Coach.

MS Girls Basketball
This was the first time that the girls had played together as a team in their first tournament and as difficult as they found it they never gave up and their spirits were high all the way through. We had a very full on day which saw the girls play 5 matches in 1 day which is a huge ask by any standards. The first game was our best by far against the American school team ‘flamingos’ which went back and forth but eventually we lost by 5 points 29-24. A special mention has to go to Nabihah Cader who scored 20 of those points.
The girls continued to work hard throughout the tournament and did show some improvement in each game. We played a selection of AISD teams along with Grace international who were all too strong sadly for us and we found ourselves playing for the 7th place.
We finished 8th overall which is not where we would have liked to have finished but I am confident that with a little more work and dedication the girls will be back fighting next year to really improve upon this.
I would also like to thank all those supporters (pupils and staff) who came to show both teams how proud they are to be a part of ISD and how much they appreciate those performing for the school and giving everything they have on the field or on the court.
I am thoroughly looking forward to this terms action and continuing to develop all the athletes who are an integral part of the ISD Hawks school squad!
AISD DISA Girls Basketball
We went into the tournament with lots of confidence from our last performances but we were able to draw upon this to know what was ahead of us. Our group consisted of ISD, AISD Black, Sunnydale, and Sunbeams, with super captain Moana at the helm what could possibly go wrong.......So we began against AISD, they entered to a strong home team welcome to add the pressure which they continued throughout the match. ISD struggled to keep up with the pace and dominance from AISD and ended up losing 50-3. Not the start we had hoped for. However, we knew we had to up the scoring in order to try to win; you can’t win if you don’t score! Sunbeams were next on the hitlist but sadly they picked up where AISD left off. A very physical encounter was not what we had expected but knew we had to keep battling to try and stay in the game. ISD managed to improve their offense by scoring 13 points but sadly it was not enough and another defeat was chalked up. Our last group game was against the winners of the ISD tournament, Sunnydale, oh joy! Our target for this match was to score more points than our previous match regardless of points against. The girls were working really hard to focus on offense and defence and this showed through their dedication and got their rewards by scoring 14 points this time so things were looking good. We did however lose the match. So we finished 4th in the group and had to play Greenherald who finished 2nd in the opposite group. This was the most competitive match we’d have all weekend and the girls put in a great performance. They all chipped in with individual contributions especially with the scoring. Our offense was finally working and our defence was improving too. A thoroughly enjoyable match saw us lose 41-28 which was a huge boost in confidence as that was our best performance so far. The last day of the competition was the most frustrating day I have had as AD all year. We were due to play Scholastica the next day and knew we would be without three quarters of the side due to SAT’s, piano exams and weekend school. The fantastic 5 were Henrica, Erandhi, Erika, Farheen, and Sohini. However, Sohini had travel problems so we took to the court with 4 players. The girls defended with real courage and even took the lead at one point which was fantastic. Sohini arrived to even things up and it was game on! The game was going both ways and was a compliment to both teams’ defence in the lowness of scores. We were leading by 2 points with 30 seconds left before Farheen was fouled in the key gaining two free shots. The first was missed by she held her composure and nailed the third to put us three points clear. With the clock ticking we held off a strong charge from Scholastica and managed to pick up our only victory and was incredibly well deserved. Here is my frustration. As we started with only 4 players we had to forfeit the end result which was a great shame put the fab 5 didn’t dwell on it and moved on to the final game against AISD white. Unfortunately the effects of the previous game were clear to see as fatigue set in. An entertaining game was played by both but AISD we just a little too strong with their rebounding and got too far ahead before anything could be done and our DISA 2011 was finished.
The final result saw us place in 8th but Ms Gibbons and I are very proud of all the girls for their efforts over the whole weekend especially the fantastic 5! With the season over, we can reflect on our performances and know that with the necessary preparation and teamwork we can come back fighting next year.
I would also like to thank all those supporters (pupils and staff) who came to show both teams how proud they are to be a part of ISD and how much they appreciate those performing for the school and giving everything they have on the field or on the court.

ISD HS Girls Basketball Tournament

Saturday October 29th saw ISD host a high school girls basketball invitational tournament in which AISD and Sunnydale attended. The girls have been working really hard and knew this would be a tough test but didnt realise just how tough it would prove! The first match was ISD vs AISD in what was to be an excellent match. With experienced players in Moana, Samaya, Abanti, Shashin and Marzia we started well but before we could shout 1-2-3 Hawks we were 10 points down at the quarter. On came Erandhi, Erika and Tanhaz to help reduce the deficit which was done well. Some excellent offence saw us claw back to just 4 behind and half time. AISD came out well again and caught us off guard but we defended well and kept ISD in the game. Replacements Henrica and Farheen (playing in her first tournament) worked well together and made sure that life was not easy for the opposition. Unfortunately the lead was just too much to handle and eventually AISD won 35-23. An excellent first match by the girls who would get better but come up against an awesome Sunnydale squad.
Sunnydale were a very well organised squad who proved that height is definately not a necessity. Right from the off they showed their quality with a excellent offence and equally as strong defence. Some excelllent outside shots from Shashin, Tanhaz and Erika just about kept us in sight at half time but Sunnydale became wise of this and shut us down! Shagoon was brought on to help with the defence but it wouldn't be enough. Their rebounding was excellent and the speed of their offence was too much for us to cope and the second half was very much a one-sided game with Sunnydale coming out on top 43-13.
The final between AISD and Sunnydale was a fantastic match which could have gone either way (obviously!). AISD dominated the first half with some excellent zone defence with great offence supporting. At half time AISD were up by 12 and looked to be out of sight but a change in formation saw Sunnydale begin to claw their way back into the match and we only down by 4 at the end of the third quarter. AISD stuck with the change but this turned out to go against them as Sunnydale eventually took the lead which they would hold onto and win the tournament! 
Although the girls would have like a reversal in results it was an excellent day of basketball, Ms Gibbons and I are very proud of the girls' achievemens and are looking forward to the next tournament at AISD on 17-19th November. I would also like to thank Ms Gibbons and the other supporters who gave up their time to support the girls on this day.

ISD HS Boys Football League

Week 2

As week 2 got underway, both ISD teams were in high spirits after their excellent performances last week, unfortunately this week would not see the same set of results. The ISD Red team match report is as follows. ISD red played against BIT who lost the first game, ISD wasn’t expecting the team to be weak so they stuck to the same line-up except for Ashfaque(GK) coming in, Tawsif (RB), Riyed (Captian) (LB), Moin (DM), Mashfique (RM), Sadman (LM) and Salim (SS). The game started off very sloppy as ISD were losing the ball easily and conceded the first goal as BIT’s Captain struck the ball past Ashfaque. ISD Red did not lose hope as they started to make their passes count and worked as a team which led to a goal. With Sadman being on the scorecard in the previous game he added one more to his tally. The first half ended 1-1, the second half was goal less, with Mashfique and Sadman’s shots going close. The game finished 1-1 with ISD not disappointed as they are leading the group with 4 points and one game still to play.
The ISD Red team were also in action and here is the match report from captain Riyad.
On 13th October we faced our second team,Turkish Hope. Our line-up Shakil (GK), Ayman (CB), Ahmad (captain) (RB) and forward, Shabab(LB), Muttadir (RM), Omar K(RM), Omar H(CF). We gave our best as a team but we were unlucky in our efforts, but we did not give up. We had several opportunities to score but sadly could not take our chances. Ayman, Ahmad and Shabab worked hard in defending the Turkish team but they could not hold them. Good efforts were made my Omar K, Muttadir. And lastly our goalkeeper Shakil tried his best to defend the goal but couldn’t. A 3-0 loss was the final score but we still are confident of qualifying.

Week 1

On 5th October ISD kicked off 7-a-side HS Boys Football. There are totally eight teams divided into two teams. SJWS, Grace, ISD red, BIT are in one group in the other group ISD Blue, AKS, Turkish Hope, Red Brick. ISD Red team started their first game with Shuvo (GK), Tawsif (RB), Riyed (Captian) (LB),Moin (DM), Mashfique (RM), Sadman (LM) and Salim (SS). They played against SJWS, the first half was evenly balanced even though ISD Red had the 1-0 lead thanks to Tawsif with his amazing pass to Mashfique who then put the ball into the net with ease. The second half was dominated by ISD as Sadman shot the ball with super power into the back of the net, which gave them the 2-0 lead. To end the game ISD conceded a penalty and Sadman again putting the ball behind the opposition goalkeeper. The game ended with ISD taking a 3-0 victory over SJWS.
The ISD Blue team began well against Red Brick School with some excellent link up play in midfield. The ISD defence held strong against a solid attack from RBS with Ayman and Ferdous working hard. Eventually the breakthrough came for ISD with two goals coming from Sakif and Muttadir respectively. The game finished 2-0 to ISD Blue, a great start for both teams who will look to continue this excellent form over the next few weeks.

AISD HS Boys/Girls Volleyball Tournament

For this event I thought it would be a great idea for the captains to have their say and thoughts so here are the two reports from girls captain Moana Yamanouchi and boys captain Ahmed Ferdous.

On September 22-23 both boys and girls had DISA volleyball tournament at AISD. Both teams took 3rd place. Since we had only 4 hours of practice, I honestly did not believe we would go this far. We were all positive the entire time and had an amazing team work. I am very proud of them and I couldn’t ask anything more from them. The team was Faiza Haq, Katherine Lewis, Marzia Hoque, Nousheen Rahman, Mubashshira Noor, Lubana Ahmed, Sasha Faruque, Raida Sarwar, Tanhaz Mahmud.
It was an honour to be your captain and thank you for making my last year volleyball at ISD a wonderful memory. Please continue the girls volleyball next year to represent the ISD hawks.
Also thank you Mr. Stanford and Ms. Cadi for being wonderful coaches and being supportive throughout the game. Lastly I’d like to thank all the people who came to AISD to support us.
Thank you for being an awesome team!

ISD Morning Swim Meet 2011

On a slightly wet morning, ISD, AISD, and Grace International School gathered for the first ISD Morning Swim Meet. With over 50 competitiors and over 70 races it was sure to be an excellent competition. We had representatives from grade 5 up to grade 9 of both boys and girls who gave it their all in every single race. This meet gave pupils a chance to practice their races and give them a feel for competition. A couple of weeks later we took the 'long' journey over to AISD where we were back in action but this time with a very experienced BKSP school too. The squad gave everything they had and were well rewarded as you can see below. The ISD pupils not only did themselves proud but the school too and I congratulate them all on their achievements. The following list is of the pupils who took part in the school events along with their achievements. Well Done!

ISD Swimming Squad

Freida Heisse - gr 5 - 3rd Place 100 Freestyle
Jack Tickle - gr 6 - 3rd Place 50 & 100 Breaststroke
Willy Ming - gr 6 - 2nd Place 50 Freestyle
Minnie Hua - gr 6 - 3rd Place Girls Relay
Farah Moreel - gr 6 - 3rd Place Girls Relay
Sapphire Faruque - gr 6 - 3rd Place Girls Relay
Sira Chiapello - gr 6 - 3rd Place Girls Relay
Nabiha Cader - gr 6 - 3rd Place 50 Breastroke
Thiyasha Seilman - gr 6 - 5th Place 50 Backstroke
Farzad Yadgarou - gr 9 - 6th Place 100 Freestyle (swimming up an age group!)

Three Wise Men!
Team ISD

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